Week #45 
World Events for your writing
I’m sure you won’t have missed the events in Barcelona, Spain this week or the devastation caused by the mud slide in Sierre Leone and the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. The prompt this week uses the emotions that the media has shown us.
Latest prompt
As I said at the top of this page, the events around the world this week:
… as it came rushing towards us we…
I woke up this morning late for work so I jumped out of bed and got ready. As I am brushing my teeth I look on my phone and see that it is 8:00am “Ahh I should be at work by now.” I start walking to work now and I see a hill that looks like the mud on it might fall. As it came rushing towards me I scream as loud as fireworks. I look around and see lots of people crying and asking for help. All I could think is that so many people have lost their family.